Author: Alexandre CHAUX

Pro Staff angler Scott Nelson, and Charter captain Nate Weismann have been on fire lately catching Snook and Tarpon in Western Florida.  With the introduction of the 10" Divinator this year at ICAST, we had a feeling there might be some potential for their use on inshore fishing. The 10" Divinator [...]

on ICAST 2015 is in the books, and what a great show it was. This year we introduced a slew of new products, some of which will be shipping to retailers shortly. Among the new products introduced this year were: Sunder 6" Slow Sinking [...]

Bonne année et, je n’ai pas peur de le dire, bonne pêche ! Ça porte bonheur au Québec alors pourquoi pas ici ? Nous sommes en plein repos biologique, reproduction oblige, alors regardons autre chose que ce qu'il se passe sous l’eau pour l’instant. Zoom sur le Divinatör S en milieu [...]