We would say that the Biwaa Ocean Divinator allow anglers, in some conditions, to optimize their prospection as fish are more responsive to a tailspin lure.
Biwaa Ocean Divinator – Part 1
Ocean Divinator is on the way to follow the same path as the original versions: Become a reference!12 years ago, Divinator tailspin shad was the perfect innovation that allow angler to explore a new way of pike fishing. Available in many sizes and weight, it quickly became an all-around lure [...]
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IStroutlande #9
Après être passé d'un continent à l'autre lors d'une pause touristique sur la grande faille médio-atlantique séparant les plaques tectoniques américaine et eurasienne, on profite de la proximité de Rejkavik pour goûter à la civilisation islandaise, ses rues pavées de poissons, ces mets [...]